02 Jul 2010


Categories: Misc.

Innsbruck, July 2  – The Coordination Commission of the 1st Winter YOG concluded yesterday its second visit to the city of Innsbruck. The Commission, led by its Chairman, Gian-Franco Kasper, and having among its members Janko Dvorsak, from the EYOF Coordination Commission, received updates from the Organising Committee (IYOGOC) on the status of preparations for the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games in 2012 and met with local partners and government authorities.

The two-day session allowed IYOGOC to present the outcome of its strategic planning phase, including an initial Culture and Education Programme (CEP) concept and an updated Youth Olympic Village (YOV) project. Organisers will from now on begin to focus on the operational delivery of the Games.

The Commission validated Innsbrucks competition venue master plan, including the slopestyle and ski cross venues in Kühtai. The Commission was happy to note that some of the already existing and high quality venues are being further developed and will leave a lasting legacy in the Tyrol region. Seefeld, for example, is constructing a new ski jump platform and biathlon facilities which will strengthen its position as a Nordic sports centre.

Included in the programme of the Commissions meetings was a site visit to the Alpine skiing area of Patscherkofel, where the Commission could witness the recent groundwork that has been carried out.

The Commission was also impressed by the construction project for the YOV, which is progressing on schedule and will provide accommodation for approximately 1,660 athletes and officials from 13 to 22 January 2012.

Innsbruck 2012 will be able to draw on the experience and the lessons learned by the Singapore 2010 Organising Committee through its participation in the IOC Observer Programme organised during the Games in Singapore this summer and the official debrief that will be held a few months after the 1st Summer Youth Olympic Games as part of the IOCs knowledge management programme. The Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck, to be held between 13 and 22 January 2012, will bring together 1,048 athletes between 14 and 18 years of age from approximately 80 National Olympic Committees to compete in the seven sports on the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games programme. A fully fledged education programme will raise participants awareness of the Olympic values and topics like healthy lifestyles and the fight against doping. A number of communications initiatives will link the youth of the world with the event. A culture programme will ensure a festive and pleasant atmosphere within the host city.